Here you can buy silver Ottoman jewelry as a set. The wonderful East is, of course, chic fabrics, embroidered with patterns, fine jewelry and irresistible women. Such exquisite jewelry appeared many thousands of years ago and was an essential feature of the Sultana. What was characteristic was that they adorned not only the arms, neck or legs of women, but also the head and waist. Natural stones and multi-row pendants adorned the forehead, inlaid crowns and tiaras emphasized the status and irresistible luxury of the hair.
Silber Garnituren nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen - Strangulationsgefahr. Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden.