Jewelry made of gold with amber helps to feel the warmth of the sun, which has accumulated in the wonderful pieces of petrified resin of old trees, even on cloudy days.
The ambers are carefully selected by the craftsmen and processed using a special technology. Already in the last century, people have learned how to refine, brighten and increase the transparency of this natural mineral. To do this, the resin stone is heated in autoclaves and then cooled. This makes the amber sparkle and gives it the characteristic rich cognac color. This page shows a variety of jewelry made from natural amber and 585 gold.
If you only knew how the gold earrings with amber play with their color in the sun! It is not without reason that they are one of the most popular pieces of jewelry for women today.
The earrings go with every outfit - or rather - every outfit suits them. They will not only refine the look, but also emphasize a woman's warmth and her aesthetics. We have many models of earrings with gold and amber on our website exclusively for you. Each pair is individual and gives its wearer happiness and a particularly hearty charisma!
Golderzeugnisse mit Bernstein nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen – Körperverletzungsgefahr, Erzeugnisseschadengefahr. Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden. Nicht tragen bei einer Saunasitzung- eine Gefahr der Hautverbrennungen, Erzeugnissesteinenverlustgefahr. Kontakt mit Wasser, Chemikalien, Reinigungsmitteln oder Parfüm/Kosmetika vermeiden, um Verfärbungen und Oberflächenbeschädigung zu verhindern. Selten ist eine Hautallergiereaktionsmöglichkeit.