Love weaving is sophisticated weaving. Such a product is a flat round loop connected by touching the edges. Jewelry weaving lav - ideal for the beautiful half of humanity. Weaving chains love is most often used to wear body crosses, as well as graceful pendants under the evening dress. Due to the ease of this weaving, it is possible to wear several products at the same time. This will not spoil the overall impression, but will enhance the effect of “airiness” on the neck of a woman or young girl.
Goldene Halskette Love nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen - Strangulationsgefahr. Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden.