Earrings with Ruby can be purchased in our online store. Ruby is a rare stone of piercing red color, second only to diamond in hardness, and has long been used in jewelry. Jewelry with this stone, especially silver rings, attracts the eye, fascinates, and makes you admire and admire them again and again. You can find exactly these silver earrings by looking at the product catalog of the online store.
In the East, rubies were valued higher than diamonds, and not without reason. It is credited with magical properties, such as protection from evil spirits, bad dreams, and evil spells. In ancient times, it was believed that a ruby also protected its owner from lightning and from the effects of various poisons. There is a belief that a ruby can signal its owner about approaching danger by changing color from red to dark red. A ring with a ruby, considered a talisman by many peoples, can protect against enemies and encourage courageous actions. It is not without reason that jewelry with this amazing stone was present in the collections of many famous rulers (for example, ancient Roman emperors and Russian tsars).
But, perhaps, the most important reason why you should get silver earrings with ruby, many varieties of which are offered to you by the online store, is the property of ruby to attract love into a person’s life. Moreover, this love is unconditional and comprehensive; under its influence, there is practically no room for negativity in our lives. This wonderful red stone, with a pinkish or purple tint, set in the noblest of metals - gold, will fill your life with a wonderful feeling of love, and will become a good talisman in family life.
Our ancestors believed that by giving a ruby jewelry to the person we liked, we would certainly receive mutual feelings in return. Thus, silver earrings with a ruby will be a wonderful and extraordinary gift for your beloved, which will speak about your feelings better than any words. You can present earrings with a ruby as a gift to a person with whom you have a friendly relationship, your loved ones and relatives.
Silberne Ohrringerzeugnisse nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen, Schlafen – Ohrläppchenverletzugsgefahr, Erzeugnisseschadengefahr. Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden. Nicht tragen bei einer Saunasitzung- eine Gefahr der Hautverbrennungen, Ohrringesteinenverlustgefahr. Kontakt mit Wasser, Chemikalien, Reinigungsmitteln oder Parfüm/Kosmetika vermeiden, um Verfärbungen und Oberflächenbeschädigung zu verhindern. Selten ist eine Hautallergiereaktionsmöglichkeit.