Sometimes you can still find the explanation that the wedding candle is lit so that the smoke from the flame carries the couple's prayers and the prayers for the wedding couple to heaven. In fact, in pre-Christian times and even longer in other religions, fires were lit on altars. People believed they could tell from the smoke whether their prayers went to heaven or were rejected by God. Therefore, animals and even people were also set on fire as offerings. Such fire operas are reported at the beginning of the Bible. However, applying such explanations to today is outdated and sheer nonsense. The bridal light and other lights on altars may have an ancient root in pre-Christian sacrificial light and sacrificial fire, but Christians do not light anything to watch the smoke rise to heaven; that is superstition. The custom of the wedding candle cannot be explained in this way.
Kein Spielzeug für Kindern. Brandgefahr der Haut durch Feuer oder geschmolzenes Paraffin, Brandgefahr. Brennende Kerzen erfordern ständige Aufsicht, besonders wenn das Haus kleine Kinder oder Haustiere hat. Die Kerze sollte nicht ohne Ihre Aufsicht bleiben.
Stellen Sie niemals eine Kerze neben leicht entflammbare Gegenstände wie Vorhänge, Papiere oder Stoffe. Halten Sie sie zu Hause von Zugluft und offenen Fenstern fern, um das Risiko zu vermeiden, dass Kerzen umkippen oder verstärkt brennen.