Rings with amber inserts are the most fashionable, stylish and exclusive jewelry. It is known that in nature there are no two identical fragments of amber, which means there are no absolutely identical products. Similarities can be found in color, shape, but still, each of them will be beautiful and unusual in its own way.
A silver ring with amber has always been appreciated by girls and women of different ages. Amber has always been and remains in fashion, so very often you can find on a young girl a silver ring with an amber insert that she inherited from her grandmother. Large, solid and incredibly beautiful stones, used in the manufacture of jewelry, allow you to preserve the living texture of the stone, a bewitching glow and strong magical energy. Some women are afraid to buy silver rings with large stones, but only until it comes to amber. In this case, the girl will choose a larger and more beautiful stone. After all, each of them had heard about the miraculous properties of amber. Among other things, amber is an excellent protector. Having absorbed the energy of the sun and the wisdom of the earth over many years, the stone transfers all its powers to man. The gem will protect from the evil eye, damage, bad influence and will become a real amulet and talisman for its owner.
An amber sterling silver ring can be found in a variety of colors. The main shades are yellow and golden, but there are also burgundy and brown. On our website you can buy a silver ring with even the rarest colors of amber - milky white, matte and green. Such rings never look bulky or awkward. On the contrary, a bright, light stone emits soft warm honey rays. Naturally frozen fragments of leaves, particles of earth and insects inside the pebble look very original.
Fingerringerzeugnisse nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen – Fingerverletzugsgefahr, Erzeugnisseschadengefahr. Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden. Nicht tragen bei einer Saunasitzung- eine Gefahr der Hautverbrennungen, Ringsteinenverlustgefahr. Kontakt mit Wasser, Chemikalien, Reinigungsmitteln oder Parfüm/Kosmetika vermeiden, um Verfärbungen und Oberflächenbeschädigung zu verhindern. Selten ist eine Hautallergiereaktionsmöglichkeit.