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Silver earrings with a Cat's Eye stone always look original! Cat's eye is truly an amazing stone. It looks like a cat's eye, which is where its name comes from. Soft tints of different shades of color are literally mesmerizing, and all shades of tints can amaze the imagination. Cat's eye stone can be of different colors - golden, white, green, blue. Silver jewelry made from this stone, including earrings with a cat's eye, amazes with its attractiveness, brightness, and enchants with its special magic.

Cat's eye, like other stones, has many interesting properties. People believe that this stone protects love, tender feelings, friendly affection, attracts like-minded people, and brings people together. Earrings with a cat's eye made of silver are perfect for any style of clothing. If you buy earrings with Cat's eye, you will look fashionable and attractive in any situation.

Nowadays, silver earrings with a cat's eye can be bought in almost any jewelry store or online store. We invite you to visit our website. In our catalog you will find a large selection of silver rings with Cat's Eye, made in different styles. Why waste extra time shopping? Just visit our online store, choose the ring you like from the catalog and order it! We assure you - you will never regret your choice!

Silberne Ohrringerzeugnisse nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Erstickungsgefahr durch verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht tragen bei körperlicher Arbeit, Sport, Schwimmen, Schlafen – Ohrläppchenverletzugsgefahr, Erzeugnisseschadengefahr.  Bitte unbedingt mit Vorsicht nutzen, um ein Verhaken oder Erzeugnisseschaden zu vermeiden. Nicht tragen bei einer Saunasitzung- eine Gefahr der Hautverbrennungen, Ohrringesteinenverlustgefahr.   Kontakt mit Wasser,  Chemikalien, Reinigungsmitteln oder Parfüm/Kosmetika vermeiden, um Verfärbungen und Oberflächenbeschädigung zu verhindern.  Selten ist eine Hautallergiereaktionsmöglichkeit.

Earrings with cat's eye - Product overview

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Russian silver earrings with Oleksy
124,00 €* 99,00 €*

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* "All our prices include statutory VAT and plus any Shipping costs

Auditor GmbH
Zur Loev 22
42489 Wülfrath
HRB 22517
Wuppertal District Court

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